About me.

I help you connect deeply with others by connecting deeply with yourself.

I'd like to tell you my story

It’s about WHY I do what I do, and why I believe I can help YOU feel calm, clear, confident and connected to do the things you love. You see, I've always loved helping people. But I struggled to feel worthy enough.

I couldn't believe it...

I didn't believe at my core that I was worthy of love from family or in relationships. This resulted in me self-sabotaging relationships, losing some of the most important people I had along the way. I would isolate from people and social events even though I was lonely and really wanted to connect. I felt so miserable and would bottle up my emotions and retreat at the first sign of rejection.

I made this change and...

Everything changed for me when I was at rock bottom, and I finally decided I would do whatever it took to find a way to live a better life. A life free of the emotional pain I had been living. After so much trial and error, I finally became aware that my childhood played a huge part in how I operate today. And I started to learn about and heal through my trauma wounds. I learned so many tools and techniques along the way, from therapists, coaches, hypnotists, meditations, and inner child work. I went to workshops, became a certified NLP coach and read countless books on different subjects for healing.

And finally it was...

Finally, I sorted through and sifted through all of the content, and found tools and techniques that not only worked for me, but I knew they would work for others too! I decided that I would incorporate my love of helping people with my own healing journey. That I would provide the very tools and techniques that saved me to help others in their journey! And I know each of the tools and techniques I teach work because I have fully immersed myself into them and came out with amazing results.

Now I'm sharing my years of experience, learnings and insights as I coach people in their own healing. I am feeling more alive and aligned into my own purpose each day! I wake up every morning excited to continue my own journey as well as walk along side of my clients through their healing journeys. Seeing others transforming and becoming their best and brightest selves lights my soul on fire! The saying is true:

"Find your passion and you'll never work a day in your life!"

The reason I wanted to share my story with you is because I want you to know me. And I want you to know that I can help you, too, because I've lived and experienced so much of the ups and down about life, just like you.

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